January 18, 2022
Hello my friends! I am so excited to finally share the news with you all that I am pregnant! I truly could not be more excited, and Joey and I feel so blessed to bring a sweet baby angel into this world! I have so much to catch you up on from the first trimester, and I'm answering some frequently asked questions and well as sharing some of my first trimester favorite products!
A: I am due on July 19th and found out on November 8th! I took a pregnancy test in the morning and just couldn't believe it was positive. I had to wait all day for Joey to get home and it felt like the longest day ever! Right when he walked in I held up a onesie and pregnancy test!
Oh yes! Immediately after finding out I had extreme exhaustion and at around 6 weeks I started morning sickness. I was consistently nauseous for around 4 weeks and lived off of saltines and mac and cheese! Thankfully since I work for myself I was able to really rest and take it easy during this time, and I truly didn't mind feeling sick because I knew that meant baby was growing! I haven't craved too much (aside from mac and cheese), but I cannot drink coffee and could not eat anything with a lot of flavor the first few months! In terms of weird symptoms I've had tail bone pain, very dry skin, metallic taste, extremely odd and vivid dreams, and the tiniest bladder to ever exist!
Yes! We have a gender reveal planned for January 23rd (I'll be just about 15 weeks), and we cannot wait! Joey and I (and basically everyone in our family and friends) think its a girl, but we shall see! I will be over the moon either way!
This has been the most fun part of the first trimester! I made our parents ornaments that said "grandma & grandpa est. 2022" and I made my best friends "auntie" sweatshirts. We had so much fun telling all of our extended friends and family. One unique and fun thing we did was we had a game night playing telestrations with our friends and told them through the game, which was SO fun! Some of my favorite memories!
YES! One of my main goals since I've taken my business full time back in May 2020 was to put systems and place and establish my business in a way that would allow me to take a maternity leave one day and adapt to growing a family. I am extremely happy with the place I've grown my business to and will be taking a maternity leave between late summer and early fall. I will be closed for custom orders during this time and will not be providing any of my wedding rental services. Many updates to come on custom order deadlines, and I will be reopening for custom orders in time for the 2022 holiday season!
NEIWAI Bras - I needed to get new bras basically the day I found out I was pregnant and I cannot say enough good this about these!!! Seriously the most comfortable bras I've ever worn, I have not worn anything else since the day I got them!
Pregnancy Pillow - This was a sweet Christmas gift from Joey and oh my goodness did I need it. I know there are definitely more affordable options but this is a necessity for me! I didn't realize how uncomfortable sleeping would be so early on and this has been a life saver!
Dear Baby Book - I highly recommend journaling during your pregnancy! You don't need a fancy book like this, but I must say I LOVE this book. A sweet friend gifted this to me and I just adore it. It walks you through each week of the pregnancy, has prayers and devotionals, areas for journaling, areas for bump photos, areas for months recaps, and more! I look forward to writing in it every week :)
Pregnancy Pops - I love these sour candies! I found that I never wanted these when I was feeling nauseous, but I loved these for helping with the metallic taste I had in my mouth often in the first trimester. These candies and lemon water saved me from lots of discomfort!
Polaroid Printer - Obviously not a necessity, but I absolutely love photos, and capturing all the stages of pregnancy is something really important to me. I purchased this polaroid printer and LOVE it! You can print photos from your photo onto polaroids and it could not be cuter. I've used this for my weekly bump photos and to print photos of special moments we've had during pregnancy so far!
Aerie Leggings - Beginning week 7/8 I could not fit into normal jeans or any bottoms comfortably. Even some leggings just made me feel uncomfortable. These aerie leggings were my uniform the first trimester. They are so silky soft, not tight around the stomach, and just great!
Aerie Sweatshirt - I also lived in these sweatshirts! Comfort was my number one priority in the first trimester and these sweatshirts are super oversized and cozy! I also started showing very early on around 9 weeks, so I liked wearing these day to day or running errands just to cover everything!
The set I'm using for bump photos: